
Working with students is one of the best parts of my job! I am lucky to collaborate with PhD students, and occasionally with Master’s students and undergraduate students.


Current PhD students: Neel Gupta

Future PhD students: I am recruiting one student to join our group in 2025-2026.

Our current research is focused on cultural analytics/digital humanities, critical data studies, and critical AI.

I look for students who have strong programming and technical skills but also welcome students with little to no computational background. I value students with investment in the humanities, especially literature and libraries.

If you’re interested in joining my group, you can send me a short email about your specific research interests at [email protected]. Sadly I won’t be able to respond to most emails, but I will note your interest, which is helpful.

To apply to work with me, you can apply to the PhD program in the UW Information School and list me as an advisor.

  • Starting October 21, you can get feedback on your application materials from current PhD students through this Google Form. The program seeks to prioritize those from historically underrepresented groups or who have faced barriers in higher ed, but anyone can receive feedback.
  • There are also PhD information sessions on October 14 and October 21, 2024.

Other Mentorship

RAships: Occasionally I have other paid research opportunities for students (both graduate and undergraduate). When I do, I circulate advertisements to relevant departments on campus, and I will also post them here.

Independent Studies: Periodically I also supervise independent studies. However, I will not be supervising independent studies in 2024-2025.

Summer Program: I have worked with students for the past two summers through the Humanities Data Science Summer Institute at the University of Washington (available only to UW students). HDSSI will run again in summer 2025, and I will post more information about this opportunity in early 2025.

HDSSI 2024
Grad students: Suh Young Choi (Classics)
Undergraduate students: Hoda Ayad, Chloe Abrahams, Kaylee Cho, Shira Zur

HDSSI 2023 Grad students: Naomi Tachikawa Shapiro (Linguistics)
Undergraduate students: Phyllis Chen, Jolie Tran